Alaistair Howard-Dobson
Recent Posts
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Apr 11, 2019
In today’s climate of austerity, cutting costs is de rigueur in the world of business. Technology is often regarded as the solution to many organisations’ financial woes, helping businesses to work smarter and achieve operational savings as a result.
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Mar 27, 2019
WiFi is everywhere. It’s in our coffee shops, restaurants and local high-street shops, providing us with the seamless connectivity we now expect in our day-to-day lives.
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Mar 27, 2019
From smartphones to laptops, tablets to mobile apps, everyone can now communicate at the touch of a button. This deluge of devices initially raised concerns with the working population. After all, how can you achieve any work-life balance if your office can always reach you? Such concerns have died…
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Feb 20, 2019
Better together. No, we’re not about to lecture you on Brexit. This post explains how the combination of Microsoft’s Office 365 software with the 3CX PBX Unified Communications solution packs a powerful punch for your business.
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Feb 15, 2019
Digital transformation is a marathon, not a sprint. Successful businesses continually integrate new technologies to stay ahead of the competition.
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Jan 28, 2019
We live in a digital era where your customers would prefer to tweet than talk on the telephone. You now need to effectively communicate not just with your customers, but with your workforce across multiple devices, formats and platforms.
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Jan 24, 2019
Your network communications is an unruly little beast. If it’s left unattended, it could grind your business to a halt and play havoc with your communications channels. It’ll prevent your customers and staff from accessing your email, messaging, voice, file sharing, conferencing and other such…
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Nov 14, 2018
If your internet went down right now, would it matter? For most businesses, the answer is a resounding “yes”. Yet, only 25% of enterprises hit by internet outages last year could mitigate these circumstances. Downtime costs businesses dearly. Research reveals UK companies lost £7 billion due to…
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Nov 9, 2018
A network security audit is essential for every business. Without one, you don't know if your organisation is vulnerable to a vast range of cyber security threats. Yet, the growing complexity of today’s networks increases the need for a comprehensive security audit. From your cloud services, to…
by Alaistair Howard-Dobson | Oct 17, 2018
Cloud storage has moved into the mainstream - but ensuring 24/7 access to your organisation’s cloud network while guaranteeing the security of your service is a difficult balancing act. This issue is compounded by the public’s misconceptions around cloud security. After the well-publicised attack…